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Recent content by PsianaRama

  1. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - .jakecarpenter - GTA RP

    Closing this due to ticket being open, This isn't a flat deny don't panic just will be dealt with in the ticket.
  2. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - Bailey Parker - GTA RP

    Combat logging comes with a one month cooldown to appeal. You can appeal on 28/06/24 Denied
  3. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - MIKE SPIKE - GTA RP

    As per our discussion on TeamSpeak you are unbanned :D I mean it when I say not even a hair out of place! Unbanned
  4. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - sdam - GTA RP

    Theres getting caught in a shitty moment in time and a full blown toys out the pram hissy fit which you seemed to have. If we were to unban you, how can we trust this won't ever happen again?
  5. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - Daniel-Son - GTA RP

    You say it deffo wouldn't happen again but how can we trust that? What's to say in a months time you won't get bored and frustrated again and cba
  6. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - JayS07 - GTA RP

    I will be very helpful and look at this at my earliest convenience on Saturday for you, thankyou for raising your concern to how long appeals take on discord!
  7. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - DonnyThorbury - GTA RP

    You wouldn't want me to take appeals personally, if I were to take them personally you would've been denied. With your history I'm not entirely convinced you really are here for high quality roleplay and stating your age only makes your case worse as you certainly haven't behaved like an adult...
  8. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - DonnyThorbury - GTA RP

    I find it inappropriate that you provided shit roleplay to the point you've ended up here, appealing a ban. I'd love to hear about what value you'd add to roleplay if we let you back.
  9. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - lennyy440 - GTA RP

    There is a level of entitlement with the statement You only get to play the server with no subscriptions or whitelist simply because we (staff and management) let you. You have no rights or entitlements for something we offer for free. You break the rules you get punished. The rules are there...
  10. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - Wacko Jacko - GTA RP

    How come you didn't attempt to contact the officers afterwards? You logged onto the server later that evening AND the following day, and just seemingly continued without actually attempting to continue the roleplay. I can understand a moment of aggression and ego but that lasted all the way up...
  11. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    Ok so I'll give you the reasons why we have a 0 tolerance for under 18's; Grand Theft Auto 5 (and previous titles) are PEGI 18 in the UK and as a UK based server we follow the president set by the original game. Children display a level of immaturity we're not willing to put up with as we have...
  12. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - DonnyThorbury - GTA RP

    Alright so moving onto the report that got you banned, Even if this was the same officer you made such little effort to check this, you gave less than the bare minimum and just started whacking your bat around like a 16-year-old that's just discovered porn. You were called out by another player...
  13. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - KayZee - GTA RP

    Okay so you're saying the multiple instances in April and the warning in January are you keeping your head down? I can understand you sending a message the same time a staff warning goes out BUT you have been told about being a general troll in ooc isn't ok. You know better. Why should I even...
  14. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - wang-lin - GTA RP

    Well it appeared you were aware of the rule and understood it. Do you wanna tell me why you firstly transferred £1 before the large amount? Seems like you wanted to test the system.
  15. PsianaRama

    Unban Appeal - DonnyThorbury - GTA RP

    Right so first off I can understand the want to not have any spelling to grammar mistakes but your appeal must be your own. None of us really care about spelling and grammar as long as what is written gets to the point you're trying to make. Now, can you state the two rules you broke in full...