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Recent content by Lily Rose

  1. Lily Rose

    Reworked fishing with park rangers, What is a summer experience without Cayo Perico?

    I think it'd be good, but the idea of turtle zones being controlled by a group can cause an unfair piece of RP. Say, you're a ranger who doesn't care about being fired, you're strapped for cash- and its a day where you know a lot of rangers cant be about... I know that opens avenues for...
  2. Lily Rose

    Speed Camera Disable Adjustment

    Itd be cool if there was a minigame! Just not the same one... kinda linking back to marks recent suggestion c:
  3. Lily Rose

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    Major +1 Firstly this suggestion adds RP to finally finding a way of removing cars that people can participate in, as well as a way for the "vehicle scrapping" that police do to have a player interaction to it. People who have cars that dont sell and they realistically dont need to benefit from...
  4. Lily Rose

    Make all helmets/head wear persistent in vehicles

    Something people may like, is that as a temporary fix I have "wait 5000; c hat" on my F and it works quite well. But also +1
  5. Lily Rose

    Car Boosting

    Major +1 I think this is something ultimately that would be extremely enjoyable for the city, and a more positive change for criminal RP, I would want to rejoin police and be in RPU for this!
  6. Lily Rose

    A Guide to Gallery and IKEA

    No worries! If anyone has found I've missed any let me know. Unfortunately, not all go to the categories in the place menu that are listed, and well- vending machines + a few other bits are no longer available, so I cant list those even though people have them in their houses!
  7. Lily Rose

    A Guide to Gallery and IKEA

    I don't know if its just me, but I always forget which table is which, what is what and how it looks. I thought I'd make a fun little post to help people out in future. THE GALLERY The gallery! Home of art in Los Santos Jewellery (In the most Vi voice possible) Ohhh darling, I would love a...
  8. Lily Rose

    RPUK Wiki Suggestions

    Sounds good! My discord is: princessi_tapioca c:
  9. Lily Rose

    RPUK Wiki Suggestions

    It would be nice to see Turf Gangs updated! https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/GTA:Groups
  10. Lily Rose

    Vehicle Repair

    -1 A full service from a mechanic garage uses a Mechanical, Body and Washcloth. By changing the Mechanical kits, you would realistically need devs to implement another repair kit which is specific to garages. Which again, would eventually float into the common market making your change...
  11. Lily Rose

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    I had no intention to respond to anything else put due to how I feel my character is being made out to be, however I will respond for this bit- I would feel uncomfortable at this moment in time going into a Liason with yourselves or any others involved, I have my reasons for this, and I can...
  12. Lily Rose

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    @Autumn` Thanks for replying so soon, don't worry about there being a lot to go through, I am happy to do so. Hi! So- I'm glad you are talking about this being a robbery. Why was nothing taken from us? I had my hands raised and was entirely compliant the full situation, and out of zipties...
  13. Lily Rose

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    No worries if you don't feel comfortable answering mine Again to repeat: This is not a Firm V Cutlass issue, you have made it a Firm V Cutlass and friends issue. Do not put words in my mouth. Then why werent we robbed? Essentially, I appreciate you are on the backfoot here and don't want to...
  14. Lily Rose

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    Hi Kilo! First, thanks for replying so soon. I see you've misunderstood what is intended by quoting those situations being referenced, it is the following line: What would you have done if more cypress pushed you? Or other assailants to retrieve them? You have actively involved yourself here...