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Recent content by Fluqi

  1. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Gibson - GTA RP

    Good Afternoon @Gibson Once again I'd like to apologise for the delay in getting this responded to. I have been beyond busy this past few weeks to the point where I've barely been on any video games, let alone have the time to deal with forum work. Lets get this wrapped up, shall we? I know...
  2. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Gibson - GTA RP

    Good afternoon @Gibson Please accept my apologies for the delay in even getting the ball rolling on this appeal. As Stavik mentioned above, your patience is required in the unban appeal process. Please refrain from any attempts or types of bumping. Now onto your appeal... Firstly, I'd like...
  3. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP

    Pending Full Character Wipes - No ETA.
  4. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP

    Any properties that any of your characters own will either be returned to the government or the Chamber of Commerce.
  5. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP

    The character that was to benefit from you RMT'ing isn't relevant. We don't take into consideration when someone breaks a rule as serious as the one you have broken - we have a zero tolerance policy for such a rule break and the fact the door is slightly ajar in itself is a privilege. As a...
  6. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Ravi - GTA RP

    I think it is only fair that you are to log onto 'Ravi' for, and only for, the purpose of paying your house rent and the rent of any container(s) owned. You will be required to open a Discord Ticket, inform staff before you log on and when you log off. You may only log on when a member of the...
  7. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Ray oneill - GTA RP

    Hello @Ray oneill,  Can you please confirm for me whether you wrote this yourself or had someone else write it? 
  8. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - JNC98 - GTA RP

    Do you not see it as an issue? 
  9. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - AntonScK - GTA RP

    I would classify a mistake as something you do, unintentionally. A mistake the first time, maybe. Second time at a push but what we have here is a trend. It's evident that if something doesn't go your way, you get incredibly upset as a person, as opposed to you playing a character.  I am not...
  10. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - mrgee07 - GTA RP

    Unfortunately, we don't allow character transfers across steam accounts, including you just making a new account with the same name etc.  What was the reason for the loss of steam account?
  11. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - avaster - Discord

    Welcome Back! Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord...
  12. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - avaster - Discord

    Hello, As much as I don't entirely believe that if something were to happen that you didn't like, you wouldn't throw your toys out of the pram, yet again, that's just a hunch and nothing I can be sure of therefore I will go ahead and issue an unban on your discord account today but be warned...
  13. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - exenos - GTA RP

    Good Afternoon,  Let me begin first by apologising for the length in which this appeal has taken to be concluded. As you can imagine, unban appeals are the lowest of priorities for members of our senior staff team.  I won't hold this up for any longer, from where I am sitting, unfortunately...
  14. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - JoshLander - GTA RP

    Bans for exploiting, meta gaming and now baiting all in the space of what? 9 months? What's going wrong? Because this trajectory cannot continue. 
  15. Fluqi

    Unban Appeal - Rock ares - GTA RP

    You got banned 11/5/23 for baiting.  You got unbanned 21/5/23 and yet here you are now, 10/8/23 banned, again, for baiting... In your very last appeal, Liam outlined your history within our server and gave you an opportunity, a golden chance, to which you accepted the conditions of.  I'm...