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380bhp's latest activity

  • 380bhp
    380bhp replied to the thread More variety of Jobs & Activities.
    I've seen a group job on another server which is window cleaning in teams or electrician where it requires 2 people to start the job.
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to Taelor's post in the thread Lantern mc kuttes with PagChomp PagChomp.
    Maybe some helmets would be good touch as I know the lost and tfa have there own it would be appreciated something like these would be...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to Taelor's post in the thread Lantern mc kuttes with PagChomp PagChomp.
    Hi there we have had some great kuttes designed just waiting on the rockers to be redesigned to say grapeseed it would be great to have...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp replied to the thread Lantern mc’s home!.
    + Has the tattoo chair so would incorporate @The Cursed Oni suggestion + Moves us a bit further away from Sandy Shores + Boxing Ring +...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp replied to the thread Lantern mc’s home!.
    + Has the tattoo chair so would incorporate @The Cursed Oni suggestion + Moves us a bit further away from Sandy Shores + Boxing Ring +...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to Taelor's post in the thread Lantern mc’s home! with Like Like.
    Imagine if we could create a personal tattoo for faction members only and they can only get it from us that would be amazing would also...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to The Cursed Oni's post in the thread Lantern mc’s home! with Love Love.
    Must say i far prefer the Red roses one the Tattoo chair is a nice touch could be used to rp getting MC tattoos or having them black out...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to Taelor's post in the thread Lantern mc’s home! with Hype Hype.
    Lantern mc has been around for a little while now and we are yet to feel at home anywhere, after looking more in depth we have finally...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp reacted to Taelor's post in the thread Lantern mc’s home! with Hype Hype.
  • 380bhp
    380bhp replied to the thread Lantern mc’s home!.
    The roleplay opportunities as @The Cursed Oni said from the tattoo chair and other aspects are nice and also provides a business...
  • 380bhp
    380bhp replied to the thread Lucky Plucker.
    T H E B E S T C H I C K E N S H O P