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Unban Appeal - bulmer - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jake Icetea
Steam ID: 76561198880331817
Ban ID (just the numbers): 5529
Ban Reason: I was banned for been underage two years ago August of 2021 since then i haven't really been playing games I've been looking for a uk based rp server to play and seen this server streamed in twitch and it looks pretty good would love to return and roleplay and just chill i was 16 and now i am 18 turning 19 wanting to return and add to the server in a positive way
Why do you think you were banned: due to my age and immaturity
Why should we unban you: because I'm not here to ruin the experience for others I'm here to roleplay and add to the server I also made a new account due to having a account with a email that no longer exists
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Duplicate appeal;

(this appeal will be closed, replies will be on the other appeal).