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i lost every thing licens + money + my cars

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Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):76561198127145862
What was lost:every thing i have my cars and my choper
Value of item/money lost:my money 3m
Quick description of what happened:After  my game crush I logged in to try  find I had no money in my account, I had  3 million and also lost my licences plz halp me
Don't believe This guy,he's a troll,has no concept of role play,and a out an out pain in one's ass,I've had many of runins with this guy,,, I'm willing to apologise,if he is telling the truth,but I'll bet you a pound to a penny this is fabricated..

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Don't believe This guy,he's a troll,has no concept of role play,and a out an out pain in one's ass,I've had many of runins with this guy,,, I'm willing to apologise,if he is telling the truth,but I'll bet you a pound to a penny this is fabricated..

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
even if his game did crash unless he just spent 3m or justgot transfered 3m it wouldnt have bein lost 

He steals from back packs to,,He went into FPSFNiges bag and stole his katiba and  mags,and then claimed he can't speak english,he then ran off,i warned him,still ran like forrest gump,in the end i had to shoot him... 

Oh, its this lovely young man trying to sell me my own Katiba for £45 after I went for a jimmy riddle. 

To be honest though, it was funny! But ya, he definetly is a troll.

Can i ask, kind man who lost everything. why in the hell did you highlight the things in different colors, it reminds me of the old school mistake of Copy & pasting form Wikipedia for H/W and keeping links in... XD 

I don't understand? Just because he can't speak english to well he becomes a troll automatic?

What i've heard admins can check inventory, cash and garage. So leave this to the admins to check. If he's lying we'll know sooner or later. So stop jumping on conclusions just because his english isn't "too well". 

Thank you.

I hope you get your things back mate. Not so fun too loose all the licenses nor the cash really. 

His ability to speak english is irrelevant Mr.Smelly..He's a troll because of his actions in game.Simplez   :D  

User didn't come back to defend his compensation request, I am going with the trusted community on this one.

Request denied.

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