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  1. JJDD

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    At the time of 3:50 you hear a lot of photo's being taken suggesting a lot of weapons in the vicinity. Initially I thought my car was being stolen as you see I walked out to check but instead I walked out to the masked men and situation in hand.
  2. JJDD

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Here is a longer clip -
  3. JJDD

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Good evening, My pov - I would like to tackle the "Stop, drop & roll" mentality. Firstly if this was the case I would've pulled my gun out soon as I came through the double doors and shot but I didn't I attempted to RP with you guys, I attempted to deescalate the situation and wanted to give...
  4. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    I'm happy to agree to these terms. Thank you for the swift responses and I will prove that I have a place on this server.
  5. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    I'd like to resume my position as a Cutlass senior and join in on some of the ongoing story lines that have been happening in my time away. I've been inspired watching back some of the situations that have happened and I'm really excited for the potential chance at returning and meeting all of...
  6. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Hello @Sammy I was emotionally invested in the server which naturally isn't a bad thing but at times I allowed it to cloud my judgement and only focus on the negatives of situations. In my time away from RPUK I've realised what I've built, the storylines that I've been a part of, the...
  7. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Hello @OneShot These are clips from different Roleplay situations that a friend of mine compiled that I posted for an audience outside of RPUK. That is the reason why RPUK isn't in the title or description. Although it doesn't show the server in the best of lights it's not intended to be a...
  8. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Hello @Phoenix I can assure you I do not plan on getting banned, especially because of a gunfight. Not to take anything away from my bans but sometimes people like to highlight the negatives especially when you're a gang member. Everything I've experienced has allowed me to gain knowledge and...
  9. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Johnny Dick Steam ID: 76561198202258652 Ban ID (just the numbers): 15220 Ban Reason: C2.2 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for emoting on a roof during an ongoing gunfight. Why should we unban you: I'd like the chance to be unbanned because I've...
  10. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Hello Danoo,  Thanks for the response. I briefly stood up for a moment but then quickly changed my mind and decided to get back into the same position. At that very moment I was shot at from a right corner peak so naturally i had no clue that person was there until it was to late. When I stood...
  11. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Hi Dano, Thank you for the reply I believe context matters and in my scenario I wasn't using it to dodge bullets per say but can see how this could be interpreted as something similar. I wasn't aware of the alert you've supplied at the time but appreciate it as it clarifies you can't use an...
  12. JJDD

    Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Paul Abdeen  In-game Name: Johnny Dick Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198202258652 Ban ID: !!rpuk15220!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for emoting on a roof whilst in a gunfight - C2.2 - Exploting...
  13. JJDD

    Report a player - Johnny Dick ID 830 - GTA RP

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He6ygrlXOXc Here's an extended clip that Kash managed to capture as I was unable to record the liaison. Once he left the call around the end of the clip they continued to push the topic of me getting banned.
  14. JJDD

    Report a player - Johnny Dick ID 830 - GTA RP

    Here's a clip of the liaison indicating their want to report.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDDXL8hFIaU
  15. JJDD

    Report a player - Johnny Dick ID 830 - GTA RP

    I expected this because you mentioned in the liasion, "See you in the forums" or "Join Aztecas or get banned," and you even said you wouldn't report it if it was anyone else. You are abusing the Reporting Procedure, which is not what I feel they are created for. It appears that the liasion calls...
  16. JJDD

    Report a player - Matthew // Other Azteca's - GTA RP

    Hi Scott, That it is the same situation is demonstrated by the fact that after downing Jack, Matthew, and the other two Aztecas, we took Jack to the Powerplant to perform some medical RP and potentially have an exchange. The NLR is broken by Matthew and the other Aztecas showing up to fight as...
  17. JJDD

    Report a player - Matthew // Other Azteca's - GTA RP

    Hi, Mathew thank you for the lengthy reply on what you thought the rules are but I would like to put this in a way you can understand. When you(s) were downed in the situation with Jack and another, I took Jack to be able to negotiate a trade with the other members of your gang who were still...
  18. JJDD

    Report a player - Matthew // Other Azteca's - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Johnny Dick Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Matthew // Other Azteca's Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/30/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 35 What best describes this incident...
  19. JJDD

    Report a player - JD? Cutlass - GTA RP

    Your reply sounds good, but it doesn't address the fact that you chose to linger near an active shootout between ourselves and Ballas, thereby functioning as a fallback. If this is allowed, I could form a team with any number of gangs and have them waiting on the sidelines to be tagged in. We're...
  20. JJDD


    Constantly wearing your colours when shooting / murdering or committing any crimes will bring heat to you from the police which in RP no one wants. Doing this will take it away from RP rather than adding to it.