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  1. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Does Helmet Armour have a place on RPUK?

    CTSFO's are deployed on a need to be basis or when the threat level is heightened. RP server or not, the police should always be an overwhelming force. Police have AR's sure but they can only use them out of vehicles when gangs can right around with .50's, machine pistols and shotguns. I think...
  2. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Avion Setup

    Hes writing down how many times hes taken hostage each play session
  3. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Report a player - 242 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Jay Macs Reported Players: 242 Date: May 21, 2024 Time: 16:40 What best describes this incident: Combat Log Please (in detail) describe the incident: Police were chasing a baldie, We got him stopped and he logged, dont believe he came back after waiting...
  4. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Ryan Kray

    Him and alot of the firearms lads are a great bunch, alot of situations Ive had on my crim were they actively go with the Rp and prioritize having a good a laugh more so than over units ive noticed. +1
  5. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    Cop Main Here, even with the restrictions alot of police still abuse it, nvm gangs :ROFLMAO: -1
  6. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    CCTV Inside/Outside Police Stations

    As CCTV is in place at hospitals and over places around LS, I think it would make sense for it to be inside all police stations aswell as their immediate outside perimeter. Just as it is with other places to deter crime outside main buildings that make no sense having being attacked from a...
  7. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    People completely disregarding the point this suggestion is making. Does CX give you an advantage sure, Barely. Sure you can use monitor crosshair bluetack ect. The fact is most people who play with it have the mentality of arma frag kiddies. Its not so much the advantage it brings because its...
  8. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    People who generally need it to see fair enough, its impossible to control, but people who are found using it, through videos ect along with the "One Dead, One Dead" "DEAD DEAD DEAD" Mentality who literally only come to the server to frag should be penalised or removed. Sheds the community in...
  9. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Fake Cop Goes On Patrol With Other Cops untill they notice

    We always do this unless the person is a glorified cunt or actively say something that requires the end of a storyline, think we have only did it to one person in a week of doing this. We have had people pull shotguns and stuff on us and we have tasered and killed them, then just taken them to...
  10. Custard Cream / Jay Macs


    As a police main id rather not go back to the 2022 vending machine meta more than it currently is rn -1
  11. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Report a player - 290 - GTA RP

    This is rich btw, Connors civ character that he plays is literally an ex cop for reference hence why this is the case. Myself, being ex bingle and someone who has been arrested countless times its not hard to mimic wat police say. If you pay close attention you can actually see that I purposely...
  12. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Report a player - 290 - GTA RP

    Your completely defeating the purpose of this entire report. We have no issue with what actions might or may of been taken in the course of roleplay. We take issue with how you proceeded it.  You rushed RP, were more gunho, that focused on maybe having some fun. Its irrelevant, what you were...
  13. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Report a player - 290 - GTA RP

    Hi fella, As discussed in QE I appreicate you coming and explaining your side of it, and none of this is personal. As stated, you shouted at first, Wayyyyy to far down the hill and you knew this. You then proceeded to get closer *Barely* and attempt it again, during whilst you said it you...
  14. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Report a player - 290 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kendall Hayes Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 290 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/10/24 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please (in...
  15. Custard Cream / Jay Macs


  16. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    https://www.twitch.tv/mr_moo_youtube & https://www.twitch.tv/custardcream99 [IMG] We are...

    https://www.twitch.tv/mr_moo_youtube & https://www.twitch.tv/custardcream99 We are both doing a 24 Hour stream in the server.
  17. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    DC Jay Macs CID PATROL 24 Hour Stream Attempt  https://www.twitch.tv/custardcream99

    DC Jay Macs CID PATROL 24 Hour Stream Attempt  https://www.twitch.tv/custardcream99
  18. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    Roger Bubbles Criminal Mastermind W/Mr Moo |...

    Roger Bubbles Criminal Mastermind W/Mr Moo | Roleplay.co.uk/RPUK https://www.twitch.tv/custardcream99
  19. Custard Cream / Jay Macs

    For better rp

    Roleplay outside of it, Ngl it takes time, look for some cool avenues to go down, Hire employees, advertise on tweedle, Sponsor events. Its all possible in RP. you just have to be dedicated to get it