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SK 's latest activity

  • SK
    Server: Discord Discord Username: sk.eptic Discord ID: 811467619919724594 Ban Reason: (C1.2) Discrimination, (C1.3) OOC Abuse and (C1.7)...
  • SK
    SK posted the thread Unban Appeal - SK - GTA RP in Denied.
    Server: Discord Discord Username: sk.eptic Discord ID: 811467619919724594 Ban Reason: (C1.2) Discrimination Why do you think you were...
  • SK
    SK replied to the thread Discord Ban.
    @Ricky87 I'll try and arrange your interview tomorrow
  • SK
    SK replied to the thread Discord Ban.
    Thanks for the clarification, I shall do Phoenix proud whilst unable to communicate via discord!
  • SK
    SK posted the thread Discord Ban in Questions & Answers.
    Hey Staff, If I am banned from all RPUK discords, can I still do NHS interviews on teamspeak? Thanks