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Recent content by Greggs

  1. Greggs

    Compensation Request - Greggs - GTA RP

    Character Name: Kane Lloyd Character ID: 71505 Steam ID: 76561198089495398 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Comp for battle axe to be put at 1%. Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://gyazo.com/81da9fff2217a2b7e4c3ca6b9faa7994 Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation...
  2. Greggs

    Add a music player for vehicles.

    Think a good addition would be to be able to play music out your car. I get there is custom radio stations. There's only so much Capital and Heart we can listen to. (y)
  3. Greggs

    NPAS Thermals

    +1. The equivalent of using session heads to find someone IMO.
  4. Greggs

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    I contacted you in groups straight away you acted oblivious. Your response in groups didn't leave me no choice but to put a report up to find out who it was. Reason for the report title "Possibly Neb". https://gyazo.com/f60f2749cdfb314cbd09de2425c1a756
  5. Greggs

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    Yeah go a head mate
  6. Greggs

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Kane Lloyd Reported Players: Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove Date: Apr 9, 2024 Time: 16:55 What best describes this incident: Combat logging Please (in detail) describe the incident: I seen a man wearing a head scarf and a dressing gown on Popular street...
  7. Greggs


  8. Greggs

    Poker table at Cutlass arcade

    100% +1 - Appreciate the exposure lad 🤑
  9. Greggs

    Report a player - 403,268,169,323,39,192 - GTA RP

    Hi Steven3Cool Sorry I had to respond as I've never seen somthing more silly. Do you know what Sexual assault is? You're acting like they wanked you off without concent, not one thing they did to you was sexual. This is torture RP buddy. If you was uncomfortable with the roleplay what was...
  10. Greggs

    Report a player - 403,268,169,323,39,192 - GTA RP

    1. Nothing was said in OOC about you're not comfortable about the roleplay, what do you want us todo look into a crystal ball? 2. If you're offended by the word "melt" you need to grow up. This is an 18+ community, futhermore do you think this is an acceptable response to what I said to you...
  11. Greggs

    Add more UK immersion.

    Okay so what you've just said will bascially undemime every suggestion that people post on here as everthing will require dev work at some stage. Surely deleting the stuff that is copyright over editing would be more time effective. I'm only asking for roads/signs and bins. The recent update...
  12. Greggs

    Add more UK immersion.

    I've seen this MLO in a server, it looks great. They wouldn't sell it for £45 if it was low quality. With regards to the Open reach electric boxes, is there no way of changing it to I dunno say "Token Reach" or somthing like that?
  13. Greggs

    Add more UK immersion.

    Hello, Thought i'd put forwards a suggestion to add a bit more of a UK immersion to the server as I feel it lacks a "UK" vibe. I once played a uk server where they had UK roads including cycle and buss lanes, signs and bins. I know this is a little thing that in theory no one will care about...
  14. Greggs

    Consequences for police informants.

    What about snitching to other gangs cough cough @sam420😂