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Recent content by Gordon

  1. Gordon

    Scrolling through a list of players current jobs... Am I sensing an uprising? [IMG] We'll have a...

    Scrolling through a list of players current jobs... Am I sensing an uprising? We'll have a tidy city in no time!
  2. Gordon

    Can someone help

    Welcome to the community! Please read the #welcome channel on our Discord, this does explain how you can verify on the Discord. Let us know if you have any issues :)
  3. Gordon

    Want to change your Discord name? Now you can! As long as you've linked Steam & Discord on the...

    Want to change your Discord name? Now you can! As long as you've linked Steam & Discord on the forums, you can change your username from https://www.roleplay.co.uk/account/account-details and it'll update in Discord... Easy! More forum changes Soon.TM!
  4. Gordon

    Might've been inspired by a certain recording of yours that I heard recently... 👀

    Might've been inspired by a certain recording of yours that I heard recently... 👀
  5. Gordon

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    So you're new... Confused... And you've just arrived in the coastal town, of... Los Santos?? SoonTM?
  6. Gordon

    New Forum Backgrounds!

    We've had this set of forum backgrounds for quite a while now... Lets freshen it up, shall we? You're invited to reply below with one image which you'd like to see featured as a new official forum background. Only one entry per person allowed! We'll run this as a competition, everyone is...
  7. Gordon

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Send me a forum DM, I'll sort you out!
  8. Gordon


  9. Gordon

    [IMG] Talent around every corner, top job @Danny Hunter 🎸

    Talent around every corner, top job @Danny Hunter 🎸
  10. Gordon

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    That is for the TS code, not the forum trophy. I’ll need to do the forum trophies at the end, once we’re sold out (we’re nearly there!)
  11. Gordon

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Well don't leave us hanging! What are their names??
  12. Gordon

    [IMG] Justice is served! @30K @Summer

    Justice is served! @30K @Summer
  13. Gordon

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Over 70 badges sent out today! If you've ordered one, take a look at your Forum DM's!
  14. Gordon

    [IMG] Avon Sultanas! Or something like that... Thanks to the Occult, great RP this evening 👏

    Avon Sultanas! Or something like that... Thanks to the Occult, great RP this evening 👏