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Fluqi's latest activity

  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Gibson - GTA RP.
    Good Afternoon @Gibson Once again I'd like to apologise for the delay in getting this responded to. I have been beyond busy this past...
  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Gibson - GTA RP.
    Good afternoon @Gibson Please accept my apologies for the delay in even getting the ball rolling on this appeal. As Stavik mentioned...
  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP.
    Pending Full Character Wipes - No ETA.
  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP.
    Any properties that any of your characters own will either be returned to the government or the Chamber of Commerce.
  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Rouble - GTA RP.
    The character that was to benefit from you RMT'ing isn't relevant. We don't take into consideration when someone breaks a rule as...
  • Fluqi
    Fluqi replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Ravi - GTA RP.
    I think it is only fair that you are to log onto 'Ravi' for, and only for, the purpose of paying your house rent and the rent of any...