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Danoo's latest activity

  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP.
    Good afternoon @Jimmmm ! :D If you're able to break this rule so easy and all without "much thought", how can we really trust that...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - BigNicky - GTA RP.
    Good afternoon @BigNicky , I hope all is well with you? :) I know you said there wasn't much thought from your side before going ahead...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - jalkiee - GTA RP.
    Good afternoon @jalkiee , I hope all is well with you? :) Surely if you have been banned for rule C2.3, you'd have had a very good...
  • Danoo
    Good afternoon @WesolutionZ , I hope all is well? How did you brother know how to Launch FiveM, get onto RPUK where you play & begin...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - HaydnH05 - GTA RP.
    Good afternoon @HaydnH05 , I hope all is well with you. Bans of this nature (C2.3) all come with an automatic 1 month cooldown. As you...
  • Danoo
    Good morning @harii_unban , If you're not going to put any effort into this appeal then neither will we. DECLINED
  • Danoo
    Hello @Fitimsejdiu , You've had this appeal locked once for bumping, I've warned you for bumping and you're still continuing to do so...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Junior420 - GTA RP.
    Good morning @Junior420 , thanks for the response! https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-juniorr-malden-life.412381/...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Metrail001 - GTA RP.
    Good morning @Metrail001 , thanks for the response. After speaking with you, I am happy to clear you of being the correct age therefore...
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - jalkiee - GTA RP.
    Good evening @jalkiee ! :) Unfortunately, if you're not going to put any effort into this appeal then neither will we from our end...
  • Danoo
    Good evening @Tom Twinkletoes , I hope all is well! :) Unfortunately, bans of this nature (C2.3) come with an automatic 1 month...
  • Danoo
    Thanks for the response @mitchellac15 , 'R1ngsting' is still showing as an active account, if it were deleted on April 26th it would've...
  • Danoo
    Good evening @mitchellac15 , how long ago did you deleted your hacked Discord account? 'R1ngsting'
  • Danoo
    Danoo replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Metrail001 - GTA RP.
    Good evening @Metrail001 , thanks for attending the voice chat! What is your plan now if you return to the server? Why should we give...
  • Danoo
    Hello @Fitimsejdiu , if you continue to comment twice, your appeal will be locked as this classes as bumping. You can simply respond in...